

A Family Night Out

oasis_austin_texas_kidsSo many things to catch up on, but I’m just going to skip all that and focus on the now, or I will drive myself crazy and never actually post a single thing. My goal is to feel somewhat a little up to date before it comes time to post this years Pumpkin Patch pictures, because I’m still stressing over the fact that I haven’t posted last years pumpkin patch pictures. Oy vey….what kind of mother am I?! ;)
This is a few days ago, at the Oasis up above Lake Travis. The self proclaimed “Austin Capital of Sunsets”. I’m going to have to agree with that title! They even ring a gong once the sun slips behind the mountains. Not that we got to hear that gong, the kids lasted until about 5 minutes before that happened, so we slipped away before the sun (har har). austin_texas_kids_travis
Watching these kids grow and discover the world and discover their own little personalities is such an adventure. Atlas has such passion for the most random things. Like wearing these rain boots and using his umbrella when it is clearly a beautiful sunny day. Urban with the little words she decides to perfect and say over and over. (Definitely an Urban update coming soon).
And I decided to have a little bit of fun with my phone tripod and made my first time lapse! Bucket list! (watch in FS)
BTW, hold your hats, I’m going to blow you away…..we’ve officially lived in Austin for a year! WOAH.
Up next in crazy unbelievable facts: Urban’s 1st birthday pictures.